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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Polska, Szurpily - dzialka budowlana z gotowym projektem domu nad jeziorem, zapraszamy cie do odkrycia tego rajskiego kawalka natury nad malowniczym jeziorem na pojezierzu suwalskim. Ta urokliwa dzialka o powierzchni 3000m2 znajduje sie w sercu Parku krajobrazowego, otoczona dzikimi terenami, czystymi jeziorami oraz malowniczymi szlakami turystycznymi, ktore zachecaja do odkrywania tajemnic tutejszej przyrody. Ten zakatek ziemi zachwyca nie tylko swoim pieknem, ale takze oferuje nieograniczone mozliwosci spedzania czasu na swiezym powietrzu. Z dzialki rozposcieraja sie widoki, ktore zapieraja dech w piersiach, a wzdluz brzegow jeziora mozna delektowac sie spokojem i harmonia natury. O kazdej porze roku mozna tu doswiadczyc niezapomnianych chwil bliskosci z przyroda. Dzialka w ksztalcie prostokata o wymiarach 40 m/75 M, posiada decyzje o warunkach zabudowy na budowe budynku mieszkalnego w nowoczesnej zabudowie zagrodowej. Nie musisz byc rolnikiem, zeby wybudowac sie na tej dzialce! o szczegoly zapytaj posrednika! na dzialce jest juz skrzynka z pradem, co zaoszczedzi cenny czas przy realizacji budowy. Mimo tego, ze ta urokliwa dzialka znajduje sie w naturalnym otoczeniu, jest zaledwie 2 km od udogodnien miejskich i uroczych restauracji, ktore oferuja lokalne przysmaki. To idealne polaczenie spokoju i bliskosci do wszystkich potrzebnych udogodnien, ktore sprawiaja, ze zycie tutaj jest wyjatkowo komfortowe. Zapraszamy do zakupu tej wyjatkowej dzialki, gdzie spelnia sie marzenia o spokojnym zyciu w zgodzie z przyroda oraz odkrywaniu piekna pojezierza suwalskiego kazdego dnia. To miejsce, ktore nie tylko stanowi inwestycje w nieruchomosc, ale takze w jakosc zycia i szczescie twoje oraz twojej rodziny. Prosimy o kontakt telefon: +48 534-072-713 lub e-mail: <more> 1922316
  • price $: 60000
  • name: Paulina
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  • Real Estate Maksymalizacja dochodu i darmowa wycena przestrzeni komercyjnej. Bezplatne konsultacje odnosnie DHCR, RPIE, DOB, HPD, ECB violations. Sprzedaz, kupno, wynajem jednostek komercyjnych, domow wielorodzinnych, sklepow, magazynow, warsztatow, manufaktur I fabryk. We maximalize your income and offer a free estimation of your commercial space. No fee consultations about DHCR, RPIE, DOB, HPD, ECB violations. Buy, sell and lease your commercial unit, multifamily, store, mixed-use building, warehouse, workshop or factory with us. <more> © 1742366_abo
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  • name: Trademarko Realty Inc.
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Brooklyn - great opportunity to get your dream house in Canarsie. Two family brick home. Three bedrooms, two and a half bathroom with hardwood floors and a back Yard. Driveway fits 2 cars. Near to public transportation, schools, parks, stores. ... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922260
  • price $: 780,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate POKRYWAMY KOSZTY ADWOKATA DO KWOTY $2,000.00 PRZY SPRZEDAZY NIERUCHOMOSCI Z NASZYM BIUREM! Darmowa Wycena Domow Jedno i Wielorodzinnych oraz Budynkow Komercyjnych. Porady w Zakresie DHCR (Division of Housing and Community Renewal Landlord), RPIE (Real Property Income & Expense), HPD (Housing Preservation and Development Violation) i ECB (Environmental Control Board Violation). Wspolpracujemy z wszystkimi agentami na terenie USA, Kanady i Polski. <more> © 1055522_abo
  • price $:
  • name: Exit All Seasons Realty
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Brooklyn - welcome to this spacious 8-family house nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Canarsie. This multi-family property offers a Diverse layout. The ground floor presents two comfortable one-bedroom apartments. The first and second floors, each level boasts three inviting two-bedroom apartments, offering ample space for families or individuals seeking a bit more room to spread out. Also a full basement adds significant value to the property. It is near to public transportation, schools, parks, and shopping areas. ... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922262
  • price $: 1,199,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Brooklyn - premier opportunity to acquire a three story solid brick 6 family in Bushwick and a Trophy of your investment portfolio. 52 Irving Avenue is an oversized brick walk up building in a rapidly appreciating Bushwick neighborhood. It features over 5, 000 sq feet and six incredible spacious two bedroom apartments. This all-brick massive beauty creates ideal opportunity for add-value investors. The property is just blocks away from L train & around the corner from countless cafes, trendiest restaurants & popular bars. This turn key property has been very well maintained and it makes a superb armchair investment or a 1031 Exchange ... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922263
  • price $: 1,348,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate Zmieniasz mieszkanie, a tu tyle rzeczy do przewiezienia! Nie martw sie. Zadzwon do nas 646-384-2919 - szybko i sprawnie przewieziemy wszystko na nowe miejsce. Gwarancja niskich cen. <more> © 1863132_abo
  • price $:
  • name: Transpol
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Queens - Beautifully and meticulously redone four luxury unit property. One of the first floor units is already connected with the basement and creates a two bedroom bi level apartment. The other first floor unit could be easily converted to another XXL duplex, the top floor offers two spacious three bedroom & 1.5 bathroom units. In addition, tenants can enjoy ample space & grandeur in a well maintained private backyard. All four apartments have been beautifully designed & renovated with upgrades such as new heating & split AC systems, new hot water tanks, new plumbing & electric and almost new roof. Additional perks include new flooring, stainless steel appliances and even a coin operated laundry in the basement! this expanisve four family is an excellent income producer & truly a secure investment with much room for increases to the rent roll... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922266
  • price $: 1,649,900
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate   ***UWAGA! NOWA LOKALIZACJA: 101 NORTH 10TH STREET, SUITE 303 Brooklyn NY 11249*** JODRE BRENECKI,LLP to skuteczny, zdeterminowany i kompetentny zespol Adwokacki ds. obrazen ciala i prawa pracy obslugujacy stany Nowy Jork i New Jersey. Odzyskalismy miliony dla naszych klientow bez koniecznosci zakladania sprawy sadowej. ***Nicole Brenecki jest rodowita mieszkanka Nowego Jorku, ktora po intensywnym wyksztalceniu za granica wrocila do praktyki prawniczej w miejscu urodzenia. Biegle wladajaca jezykiem angielskim, niemieckim i polskim. Wyrozniajace sie globalne doswiadczenia pani Brenecki pozwalaja jej w pelni zrozumiec i docenic wyjatkowe potrzeby jej klientow, dzieki mozliwosci wyjasnienia zawilosci nowojorskiego prawa w wielu jezykach. ***Jordan Jodre jest wspolzalozycielem JORDE BRENECKI LLP w celu zapewnienia spersonalizowanej reprezentacji prawnej osobom, ktore poniosly szkode w wyniku zaniedbania i wykroczenia innych osob lub podmiotow w wyniku wypadkow na budowie, wadliwych produktow, odpowiedzialnosci za lokal, prawa pracy i zatrudnienia oraz wypadki samochodowe i wiele wiecej. Prosimy o kontakt w celu darmowej konsultacji. <more> © 1846800_abo
  • price $:
  • name: Polski Adwokat Nicole Brenecki
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Queens - Land for sale! lot R4-1 zoning, 20 X 100. Perfect to build 2 family 3 story building. Excellent location in Glendale. All information must be independently verified. ... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922264
  • price $: 369,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate JAK DOSTAC DOBRA CENE I LOKATORA NA GREENPOINCIE? Mamy glebokie zrozumienie rynku wynajmu i polskich Wlascicieli NIeruchomosci na Greenpoincie. Mamy wieloletnie doswiadczenie w znajdowaniu bardzo dobrych lokatorow na mieszkania. Mamy dostep do szerokiego grona osob szukujacych mieszkan, co pozwala na szybkie i udane wynajecie mieszkania. Kazde udane wynajecie mieszkania to wsparcie sily polskich Wlascicieli i lepszy zwrot z inwestycji. Wlasciciele moga nam zaufac! Zadzwon do Slawka*** <more> © 1916017_abo
  • price $:
  • name: Slawomir Baginski- FlatFinders Realty Inc.
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Maspeth, Queens - take advantage of this incredible four family 'buy & hold' investment opportunity, each of the units features a generously sized bedroom, living room, kitchen & full bath. In addition, there is a full finished basement that offers even more rentable space. Since there is a scarcity of one bedroom apartments in 11378 zip code these units will always be easy to rent! as Maspeth continues to see a Rapid rental growth & property appreciation this is an absolutely excellent investment gem. Consider what Maspeth Plateau will look like in years to come and do not miss the opportunity to cash on fantastic rental projections... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922267
  • price $: 1,149,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate Nowosc w Eurodental Studio: 3D SCAN FOR IMPLANTS! oraz Promocja na B O T O X Dodatkowo: $200 ZNIZKI - wszystkie Aparty Ortodontyczne! **** Zadzwon i umow sie na konsultacje. Zapraszamy do naszych nowoczesnych gabinetow na Greenpoint oraz Ridgewood. <more> © 1718815_abo
  • price $:
  • name: Eurodental Studio
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Maspeth, Queens - purchase a solid 3-story mixed use property, This spectacular corner building offers two residential apartments (each featuring three spacious bedrooms) & two retail spaces. It is a corner brick building with oversized windows for an incredible retail visibility. Situated right where Grand ave intersects with Flushing ave, Maspeth ave & 64th street. Although the building is currently 100% occupied it presents a tremendous opportunity for owner-users and investors alike. The new owner will enjoy flexibility to maintain existing operations and benefit from the stability of a current cash flow or upgrade the units and push the future leases to a full market potential... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922269
  • price $: 1,700,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate OUTLET MEBLI Z POLSKI - Serdecznie zapraszamy do nowo otwartego sklepu meblowego z polskimi produktami meblarskimi. W naszej ofecie dostepne mamy, wersalki, narozniki, sypialnie, jadalnie, enterainment centers, komody i wiele wiecej. Nasz sklep miesci sie na Long Island. Adres sklepu: 1724 Fifth Ave. Bayshore, NY 11706. Godziny otwarcia od poniedzialku do piatku od 7am - 3pm oraz soboty od 10am -6pm. Telefon do sklepu 631-617-6079. Zapraszamy rowniez do odwiedzenia naszego sklepu online. <more> © 1890403_abo
  • price $:
  • name: Meble z Polski
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Middle Village, Queens - Architectural standout - custom build two family residence, The second floor of this spectacular property offers extra large two bedroom apartment with a balcony while the Lower level features spacious two bedrooms with two walk-in closets and a beautiful back porch. There are many upgrades that include oversized windows, beautiful hardwood floors throughout, modern kitchen & luxurious bathrooms. Situated on a huge 38' X 100' lot that extends to a nice private backyard. Just a half a block from Juniper Valley Park. If You like nature & greenery or enjoy tennis, baseball, shuffleboard or even bocce, the courts are within your fingertips. Truly one-of-a-kind residence where the architectural Intrigue meets functionality & modern comfort. ... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922271
  • price $: 1,800,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate Zostales poszkodowany w wypadku? DARMOWA KONSULTACJA oraz bezplatna weryfikacja wypadku. ZADZWON: 347-786-7982 WYBIERZ KANCELARIE Z NAJLEPSZYMI WYNIKAMI 4 z najlepszych wynikow z calego stanu Nowy Jork odzyskalismy ponad $1,000,000,000 dla ofiar wypadkow. Posiadamy wiecej przypadkow odzyskania $1,000,000 niz jakakolwiek kancelaria w Nowym Jorku. Masz tylko jedna szanse, aby otrzymac finansowa rekompensate, na ktora zaslugujesz. Mowimy po polsku <more> © 1566343_abo
  • price $:
  • name: Kancelaria Block O'Toole & Murphy, LLP
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Ridgewood, Queens - so much You can do with this fantastic one family home located in the most-demanded residential neighborhood, It can use some TLC or a complete remodeling if You are looking to make it 100% your own. This brick two story property has been well kept and it features three large bedrooms & full bath on the top level & living room, dining room, kitchen and a half bath on the first floor. In addition, You will find more recreational space in a basement that also offers build- in garage & utility room. This property is a rare and outstanding opportunity to customize your home the way You have envisioned and lets not forget the location (Ridgewood has been declared by time out magazine to be 'one of the coolest neighborhoods in the World) - ideally situated near trendiest restaurants, coffee shops, parks & public transportation... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922272
  • price $: 1,199,999
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Sunnyside, Queens - say goodbye to renting & unleash your imagination to customize your perfect apartment. This second floor co-op is a large studio (approximately 500 sq ft) that has been converted to a one bedroom. Still spacious and bright, it features separate bedroom, full size open kitchen with granite countertops & a dishwasher, modern bathroom with a New shower system & an extra electric ventilation for humidity control. Nicely sized living room is filled with plenty of natural light because of the oversized triple window that opens to a quiet street. In addition, there are two closets to accommodate your storage needs, new wall unit AC & hardwood floors throughout for the feel of warmth & value. It is situated in a very well maintained building with an impressive roof Terrace, bike room & 24/7 laundry room. Low monthly maintenance of $606 already includes heat, hot water & cooking gas. Subletting is permitted after 5 years & smaller size pets are allowed. There is plenty of street parking but You don't have to Drive because there are many public transportation options (multiple bus lines & 7 train) for a quick & easy access to Manhattan, LIC & Greenpoint. Don't miss your chance because this apartment and various local amenities including restaurants & coffee shops are really easy to love... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922277
  • price $: 289,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Ridgewood, Queens - so much You can do with this fantastic one family home, the most-demanded residential neighborhood of, It can use some TLC or a complete remodeling if You are looking to make it 100% your own. This brick two story property has been well kept and it features three large bedrooms & full bath on the top level & living room, dining room, kitchen and a half bath on the first floor. In addition, You will find more recreational space in a basement that also offers build- in garage & utility room. This property is a rare and outstanding opportunity to customize your home the way You have envisioned! and lets not forget the location (Ridgewood has been declared by time out magazine to be 'one of the coolest neighborhoods in the World) - ideally situated near trendiest restaurants, coffee shops, parks & public transportation... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922276
  • price $: 1,199,999
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate Rozwody $399 plus oplaty sadowe - rozwod bezsporny. Przeprowadzamy rozwody ze zgoda lub bez zgody wspolmalzonka(ki) oraz bez osobistego stawiania sie w sadzie. Seperacje. Intercyzy (przed i po zawarciu zwiazku malzenskiego). testamenty. umowy. kontrakty. pelnomocnictwa apostille. sponsorowanie rodzinne. przygotowywanie malzonkow na spotkanie w urzedzie immigracyjnym. przedluzanie 2-letniej zielonej karty. przedluzanie wiz. wizy studenckie .sprawy rodzinne i wiele wiecej mozesz zalatwic w naszym biurze, ktore od lat pomaga polakom w roznych sprawach. 158 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn, Greenpoint NY 11222., tel: 718-610-0070 <more> © 843089_abo
  • price $: n/a
  • name: Divorce and Immigration Services
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Brooklyn - introducing a remarkable opportunity to own a spacious two bedroom & one bathroom co-op in a heart of the trendiest neighborhood of Brooklyn - Williamsburg. This pre-war apartment features bright bedrooms, spacious living room & washer & dryer and it offers high ceilings and thick walls. You really can't beat the location - You are minutes away from absolutely everything Williamsburg has to offer (!) trendiest restaurants, bakeries, cafes, boutiques & other fun activities right at your fingertips. It is also conveniently situated around the corner from the McCarren Park, close to whole Foods and near by the L train for the quick & easy commute to Manhattan ... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922278
  • price $: 330,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Woodhaven, Queens - this genuinely stylish & comfortable one bedroom co-op has been renovated to meet today's modern style & functionality. It features a spacious bedroom with generous closet, filled with plenty of natural light open concept living-dining area, kitchen equipped with stainless steel appliances & sleek countertops & modern, nicely sized bathroom. There is more private storage space in a basement. Enjoy worry-free living because this spacious apartment is situated in a well maintained building and all utilities & taxes are included in already low, monthly maintenance fee. Commuting is a breeze with multiple public transportation options for a super easy access to literally all. Parking is available but waitlisted. Prime location just by the Forest Park with multiple playgrounds, hiking trails, BBQ area, carousels, a running track, tennis courts, baseball fields, a Golf course & so much more... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922281
  • price $: 279,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate Rejestracja samochodow bez stanowego prawa jazdy. Przerejestrowywanie w wypadku bardzo wysokiego ubezpieczenia. Wyrabianie miedzynarodowego prawa jazdy. Wyrabianie tax ID number. Rozliczenia podatkowe takze zalegle. Nieruchomosci na Florydzie, mozliwosc finansowania. WS Agency / Notary Public tel 973-570-8566 <more> © 1892349_abo
  • price $:
  • name: WS Agency / Notary Public
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Brooklyn - step into a prime investment opportunity in Cypress Hills North. The top floor of this spacious brick multi-unit property offers a large three bedroom apartment. You will find another three bedroom unit on the first floor. Both apartments have an extra room that could be used as an Office and the first floor also has a formal dining room. In addition there is more space (and more potential!) in a full finished above ground basement. Just two blocks away from the subway - J & z trains on Crescent st or Jamaica ave. Near Fulton, Atlantic & Rockaway blvd for quick and effortless access to absolutely everywhere. ... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922282
  • price $: 1,099,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Woodhaven, Queens - discover this stunning full two bedroom co-op apartment, It's a rare true two bedroom in an excellent move-in ready condition. It features a generous foyer that extends to an expansive open living/dining space. The living area often gets flooded with plenty of natural light and create a warm & inviting atmosphere. A large bedrooms offers ample of closet & storage space. In addition, there is more private storage space in a basement. Enjoy worry-free living because this spacious apartment is situated in a well maintained building and all utilities & taxes are included in already low, monthly maintenance fee. Located in a prime Woodhaven location with multiple public transportation options for a super easy access to literally all. Parking is available but waitlisted. Prime location just by the Forest Park with multiple playgrounds, hiking trails, BBQ area, carousels, a running track, tennis courts, baseball fields, a Golf course & so much more! if You value affordability & convenience this apartment is for You... agent EXIT All Seasons Realty. <more> 1922286
  • price $: 355,000
  • name: Jaroslaw
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  • Real Estate MIKOMA - najlepsze ceny na drzwi zewnetrzne oraz na drzwi wewnetrzne! dostepne sa u nas od reki. uzyte materialy sa najwyzszej jakosci i nowoczesnej technologii. metal i prawdziwe drewno. drzwi zewnetrzne maja podwojny zamek, klucze sa unikatowe do kazdych drzwi. drzwi wewnetrzne maja zawiasy ukryte, klamki sa magnetyczne z mozliwoscia dodania zamka. prosze dzwonic po nr tel 347 816 7050 albo przyjechac do nas! adres: 174 targee st, staten island, ny 10304 <more> © 1869608_abo
  • price $:
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Garfield, NJ - 163 Orchard st, dom dwurodzinny, 3 sypialnie, 3 lazienki, garaz na 1 auto plus parking na 2 auta. Zadzwon lub e-mail: ... agent exp Strzepek group. <more> 1922293
  • price $: n/a
  • name: Halina
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Bellerose, Queens - 239-01, 88th Avenue, welcome home to this triple mint Bellerose beauty on a rare 166ft deep lot! tons of upgrades in this home. First floor features open concept with living, dining room, and custom kitchen featuring stone countertops. Modern appliances, Stove hood that vents out and radiant heat. Super convenient half bath on 1st floor. Led lights and split system ac throughout. The 2nd floor features a modern bathroom with double sinks and led lights, and 3 bedrooms. The highly insulated walk up attic provides a nice bonus space. Full finished basement with separate entrance. Sliding doors from the first floor lead to your Giant backyard Oasis! the 166ft deep Yard features a storage shed (in addition to the one car garage), an enclosed solarium, outdoor fire pit seating area, brand New PVC fencing, Pizza oven, and pergola! this is a true must see. Upgrades include all new windows, updated electrical, tankless hotwater heater... agent COLDWELL BANKER PHILLIPS. <more> 1922300
  • price $: n/a
  • name: Dave
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  • Real Estate Zapraszamy na zakupy do naszego sklepu gdzie znajdziesz wszystko co potrzebne do wykonczenia domu od dachu, okien, okien dachowych, bram garazowych, paneli sciennych, podlug drewnianych, wylewek samopoziomujacych ,plytki porcelanowe i wiele innych produktow . Wszystko mozna zobaczyc na naszej stronie internetowej Zadzwon jak masz pytania 347-801-2855 <more> © 1799290_abo
  • price $:
  • name: DF Studio
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © Glendale, Queens - 90-60 Union Turnpike, welcome home to this charming 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom 1000+ Square foot coop unit in the highly sought-after Forest view Crescent complex on the Glendale/Forest Hills border. As You enter this spacious unit, you'll be greeted with a dinette area, your kitchen with stainless steel appliances, a sprawling living room that leads to your own private Terrace overlooking the serene and lush Forest Park, as well as 2-bedrooms and a full bathroom. Never worry about parking with your own parking spot. Perfect for animal lovers, as there are no restrictions for dog sizes or breeds, and the complex provides a dog Park on-site! this building offers a laundry room, storage area, a recreation room for parties, playground for the children, basketball area, and more! maintenance includes all utilities, and 24/7 security for the building. Conveniently located near ample shopping and Restaurant options, the sprawling 543-acre Forest Park for hiking trails and additional playgrounds, as well as the local Q23, Q11, Q21 bus lines and the Express qm12, QM15 and qm42 bus lines to Manhattan. Zoned for the highly regarded ps/is 113 and the Queens Metropolitan high School... agent COLDWELL BANKER PHILLIPS. <more> 1922303
  • price $: 388000
  • name: Lou
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  • Property For Sale 2024-11-11
  • Property For Sale © East Elmhurst, Queens - coming soon on the market, I'm happy to introduce this beautiful, turn-key-ready, brick two-family home with a private driveway (eight-foot wide) and a one-car garage. Built- in 2007, the property has a duplex apartment with three bedrooms, two full bathrooms (one with a jacuzzi) on the first floor, a fully finished basement with a private entrance in the rear, a laundry room, a bathroom, two private rooms, and a boiler room. On the second floor, you'll find the other apartment with two bedrooms, two full bathrooms (one with a jacuzzi), a front balcony, and a private Terrace in the rear showcasing Skyline views. The property is lead-free, asbestos-free, and has a backflow valve installed by the sewer trap, so You should not have any water headaches. Also, You have two heating/cooling zones connected to their own gas and electric meters, so each unit pays separately for the heat and Central air. On top of that, You have a charming overlook Park around the corner, with a view of the LaGuardia Airport Terminal and the air traffic control Tower slightly obscured by the leaves of the old trees. Ideal for aviation enthusiasts and professionals looking for a perfect spot close to LGA. This home is conveniently located near public transportation and major highways, with easy Access to Manhattan, and provides comfort and accessibility. Delivered vacant... agent Trademarko Realty Inc. <more> 1922227
  • price $: n/a
  • name: Piotr
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-10
  • © Polska, Wroclaw - sprzedam dwie dzialki budowlane pod Wroclawiem, mieszkanie 72 m/2 z zabudowaniem gospodarczym i garaz. po wiecej informacji prosze dzwonic. <more> 1922177
  • price $: n/a
  • name: Krystyna
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-10
  • Property For Sale © Maspeth, Queens - 3 bed, 1-1/2 baths, hardwood floors, formal dining room, finished basement, private parking, views of Manhattan Skyline, being sold as is, asking $719,000... agent Demkowicz Re. <more> 1922084
  • price $: 719000
  • name: Donna
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-10
  • © Pennsylvania - pilnie sprzedam dzialke budowlana, 52 acre. bardzo piekne miejsce w gorach otoczonymi lasami, znajduje sie Hotel, pola golfowe i 4 baseny, zjazdy narciarskie oraz niskie podatki, bajeczny osirodek ma 24 na dobe sekurity. <more> 1922141
  • price $: 1
  • name: Krystyna
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-09
  • © Polska, Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski - siedmio rodzinny dom po kapitalnym remoncie, caly wynajety, dochod $2000 miesiecznie, sprzedam. <more> 1922088
  • price $: n/a
  • name: Mietek
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-09
  • Property For Sale © DeerField Beach, Florida - charming 1br/1.5ba condo in Century Village. Unit with modern updates. Tiled flooring all trough. New wood kitchen cabinets, and granite countertop and kitchen window. Updated both bathrooms with new vanities. Large screen tailed balcony with Hurricane shutters and garden view to the North. Clubhouse with movie Theater and mayor entertainment activity. Within this secured, gated Haven, enjoy yourself in amenities like tennis, pickleball, shuffleboard, heated & indoor pools, fitness Center, and jogging paths. With 24-hr security and drive by patrol assistance. Enjoy the added luxury of free bus service, ensuring effortless commutes throughout. Century Village East represents the luxurious, leisure-filled living. Adult 55+ community. All furniture's included in the sale... agent United Realty Group. <more> 1922020
  • price $: 135000
  • name: Roman
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-09
  • Property For Sale © Riverhead, New York - open house Nov 9th 11am to 1pm Nov 10th 12pm to 2pm, 320-27 Flanders road. welcome to this beautifully updated 2 bed 2 bath Mobile home located in the Parkview waterfront co-op community. Owner financing available... agent Signature Premier Properties. <more> 1922063
  • price $: 249,000
  • name: Marzena
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-09
  • © Polska, Jaroslaw - Widna Gora, sprzedam dom jednorodzinny pietrowy 120m2 + pomieszczenia przeznaczone na dzialalnosc gospodarcza 120m2, podpiwniczony 2 kuchnie 3 sypialnie, 850000 zl. <more> 1922056
  • price $: n/a
  • name: Franek
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-08
  • © Pensylwania - okazja dom 5 sypialni, 3 lazienki, 2 kuchnie, male podatki ok $800, 1800 sqr F. dwie dzialki, cena do do negocjacji. <more> 1922033
  • price $: 165000
  • name: Barbara
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-08
  • © Troutman, NC - piekny, prawie nowy, 2-pietrowy dom jednorodzinny, 3 sypialnie, 2 lazienki, nowe podlogi na dole, nowe granitowe blaty w kuchni, nowe ogrodzenie na tylach. Bliziutko sklepow, szkol, autostrad... agent Northgroup RE. <more> 1921980
  • price $: 319900
  • name: Dorota
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-08
  • Property For Sale © Nesconset, Long Island - just listed/open house 320-27 Flanders road, Riverhead, New York welcome to this beautifully updated 2 bed 2 bath home located in the Parkview waterfront co-op community, join for 2 open houses this upcoming weekend, owner financing available, the Murphy team, we keep closing... agent Signature Premier Properties. <more> 1921941
  • price $: 249000
  • name: Marzena
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-07
  • © Middle Village, Queens - fully renovated 1 bedroom condominium for sale, with private parking please join open house this weekend on Sat 11/9 from 2pm to 3 pm and Sun. 11/10 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm, this unit features fully equipped kitchen custom cabinets, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, radiant floors, private washer/dryer, split ac units, modern bathroom, private parking and more, do not miss this great opportunity... agent Trademarko Realty. <more> 1921895
  • price $: 499000
  • name: Marek
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-07
  • Property For Sale © Pompano Beach, Florida - very large open and bright floor plan unit with garden views. Remodeled 2 bedroom/2 bath. Screen porche w/storage, extremely large master bedroom with very large walk-in closet and master bath, beautiful updated kitchen, tile flooring, very quiet, beautiful hidden community with lots of trees and 2 tennis courts, clubhouse, exercise room, community pool, hot tub and more. Close to amazing Pompano Beach, restaurants, shopping, New Pompano library and minutes to major roadways. for more information please call... agent United Realty Group. <more> 1921915
  • price $: 144900
  • name: Roman
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-07
  • Property For Sale © Polska Jaslo - na sprzedaz blizniak. nieruchomosc polozona jest na dzialce ok.4.5 ar, ogrodzona z kazdej strony i zlokalizowana 5 minut pieszo od centrum miasta. powierzchnia mieszkalna 128 m2. parter: 2 pokoje, kuchnia, lazienka, przedpokoj, balkon. Pietro: 3 pokoje, lazienka, balkon. material budowy: cegla. Dach: blacha, okna drewniane. <more> 1921849
  • price $: 130000
  • name: Beata
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-06
  • Property For Sale © Pompano Beach, Florida - great property, 1 acre lot fenced around. Storage shed on the property. Electric line next to and ready for connection. Some trees and bushes on the property. Ready for new owner to build home... agent United Realty Group. <more> 1921811
  • price $: 85000
  • name: Roman
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-05
  • Property For Sale © 57-70 80 street, Middle Village, Queens - legal two-family home in convenient Middle Village location, first floor features hard wood oak floors throughout, a spacious living room, large eat-in kitchen and two bedrooms. The second floor boasts 2 additional bedrooms, a half bath, and a roof deck with stunning views! this home also features a rare legal full finished basement with kitchen, full bath, storage and recreation space! many upgrades include, but not Limited to, gas heat, modern gas hot water heater, plenty of parking in the rear with Access from the community driveway. Vacant on title. Perfect opportunity for a 1031 Exchange. Close to shopping and transportation on Eliot Avenue, including the local Q47 and Q38 bus lines, as well as the Express QM24, QM25, and QM34 bus lines to Manhattan... agent Coldwell Banker Phillips. <more> 1921697
  • price $: 988000
  • name: David
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-05
  • Property For Sale © Lauderdale Lakes, Florida - large garden apartment featuring 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in the gated community of Somerset condominiums. Spacious layout with large balcony and quiet views of the garden and Club house. Tile throughout. All appliances in working condition, windows in each room offering great natural lighting, walk- in closets and plenty of extra closet space, laundry facilities on each floor. One bathroom offers a walk- in shower and the second offers a bathtub. Great 55+ community with enjoyable clubhouse, GYM, billiards, pool, BBQ area, tennis, shuffleboard with low maintenance fees. Close to the Beach and restaurants. Comes with one parking space and plenty of guest parking. ... agent United Realty Group. <more> 1921557
  • price $: 129000
  • name: Roman
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-05
  • Property For Sale © Farmingville, Long Island - one family well maintained ranch house for sale with 3 bedrooms and master suit. Move in ready - kitchen with quartz countertops, private backyard with inground pool. Patio perfect for outdoor entertaining and BBQs. Sachem School District... agent Next Door Realty Services. <more> 1921575
  • price $: 620000
  • name: Barbara
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-05
  • Property For Sale © Ridgewood, Queens - one of the most sought-after and fast-growing neighborhoods in New York lot size: 24' by 95' (approx 2,375 Square feet) building dimensions: 25' by 95' approximately 2,000 Square feet 10 garages maximum buildable floor area: 4,750 Square feet 2,755 Square feet of unused air rights on existing garage building potential to build up to 7 units with parking condos in the area sell for around $1,100 per Square foot, with a potential gross income of $5, 225,000 (contact us for comparable sales) area rentals average $62 per Square foot annually, offering a projected gross income of $300,000 per year... agent Evergreen Realty and Investments. <more> 1921583
  • price $: 1350000
  • name: Daniel
  • Contact:
  • Property For Sale 2024-11-05
  • Property For Sale © Pompano Beach, FL - experience the Pinnacle of coastal luxury. Fresh from a comprehensive renovation this exquisite residence boasts refined Porcelain tile floors that extend seamlessly throughout, ushering in a sense of sophistication with custom cabinetry and upscale finishing. Spacious living areas open out onto a wrap balcony that captures panoramic views of both the Ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. Modern kitchen includes top-tier design with tray ceilings and cascading quartz. The thoughtful attention to detail and the emphasis on quality and luxury are palpable. Aquamarine is a luxury, Boutique building located in the hottest market of Pompano Beach nestled adjacent to the New Ritz Carlton residences and Waldorf Astoria residences. Full reserves, strong financials. Private deeded Beach Club. For more information please contact Me directly at: email: text/call: ... agent LoKation R.E.. <more> 1921602
  • price $: 1489000
  • name: Ziggy
  • Contact:

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